The Global Artichoke is a lifestyle brand, focusing on creating learning experiences via workshops and talks on a broad range of subjects. Corporate Days are also available.

Anna Blaxland initially founded Artichoke courses some 16 years ago, and hosted daily and termly courses from her Hampshire home with household names such as Sophie Grigson and Sarah Raven. Having taken a break to pursue other things, she has relaunched at a new venue in Longparish.


An introduction to The Global Artichoke with founder Anna Blaxland


We at The Global Artichoke feel that the current situation has ignited a mood and an interest for increasing our learning and discovery at many levels. We aim to deliver sustainable, practical and inspirational workshops for inquisitive minds.

Previous testimonials from happy participants within the Artichoke community.


Thankyou for your wonderful hospitality and excellent workshop. Your house and garden are an inspiration - I felt like I’d wandered onto a film set!

Loved the course and I’m very pleased with my lampshade! Outstanding, brilliant, hugely informative and enjoyable!


Inspired by Nick, I feel so much more confident about planning and planting my garden.

Kirsty’s Reels Masterclass has changed my business - what an inspiring group to learn with!